Hi`i'm akaUTta ,from Makassar,i love to blogging, Desing Blogger template, Web Developing and Designing.i like to learn and share technical hacking/security tips
Posts by akaUTta`
with you,i love my friends.
Hi`i'm akaUTta ,from Makassar,i love to blogging, Desing Blogger template, Web Developing and Designing.i like to learn and share technical hacking/security tips
Posts by akaUTta`
with you,i love my friends.
btw, kpn dishare nih??? jd pngen.heheee
@Anonimthanks, ditggu ajj yah,soalnya tutorial gw msh pda numpuk, jd bingung mau posting yg mna dl :D